Tuesday, September 26, 2006


As seen on the streets of London...

Met up with Anita on sunday, in Brixton. While I was waiting an old, half toohless black man came by, with a snake on his head. A living snake. Quite a sight.

Earlier that weekend I was waiting at the bus stop, and four men passed by. Four fully grown men, singing 'Tomorrow' from the musical Annie. They sang loud, full of confidence and in perfect tune. Gotta love London :)

Thursday, September 07, 2006

A nice one from my collegue Jamie:

I am slightly sceptical about verbal confirmation.
In this day and age it isn't worth the paper it's written on.


So funny when you see a guy coming out of one of the many sexshops in Soho and looking down to check whether he has a hardon, thinking no one has noticed :) As seen while i was walking back to the office after lunch with my collegue Anita.

Nice lunch break indeed. We walked past Prowler, the gay shop in Soho, and there was a really hot guy standing there talking on his phone. From the looks he gave me when he walked into the shop I could tell he was interested so I went into the shop with Anita. He smiled at me, we had an eeeeehm... nice conversation, and that was it :) I didn't get his number or name, but it still was an ego-booster and it made my day, hehe.


Things are heating up in London... Earlier this week a woman got stabbed to death at the end of my street in Vauxhall. No reason, just a random attack. This took place only a couple of hundreds of meters from the spot where some months ago a 15yo boy was stabbed to death by a gang of youngsters, also without any reason.
When I went to work this morning, the street where I work was blocked off by police. Apparently someone had been stabbed to death just outside the door of the building where our office is. About a month ago, someone got stabbed to death in front of the door of our other Soho office.
It seems like these random outbursts of violence are becoming more frequent. Very exciting, but worrying when you think about it too much. In the context of a city like London, these things seem to blend in and are pushed to the dark corners of your memory rather quickly. In a country like Belgium, less eventful, they linger on for a long time and people actively remember them for much longer.