Thursday, January 11, 2007


The company I work for has moved out office from Piccadilly Circus to Tower Hill. For those amongst you who don't know these areas: the former is in busy interesting lively Soho, the latter in dull boring dead Tower Hill. Yes, the Tower of London and Tower Bridge are right next to the building. I agree, these are beautiful constructions and definitely worth a visit, but... They don't have the same impact on my happiness as a large amount of shops, supermarkets, cafe's, bars, take places and restaurants. These are the things you need close at hand during the week. Plenty of them in Soho, right on your doorstep. Almost none in Tower Hill.

And then there is the Tube. Before I could take the bus to work, nice and easy, got to see something as well. Now? The Tube. IT IS A NIGHTMARE. I get on in Kennington, where the train is already full. The only way to get on is to press myself into the crowd and then bend my head so the doors can close (these trains really were built for midgets). What follows then is a ride from hell in an extremely un-ergonomic position, pressed between other victims. Sweating is unavoidable so I arrive at my desk with my shirt sticking to my back and my coat hanging open, thus catching colds as well. I'm not yet mentioning the mood it gets me in. I hate it with a passion you can only begin to imagine. As soon as my cold is better, I will try to cycle again. Keeps me fit and at least I have a reason to sweat then. Tube at rush hour? Horrible.

Monday, January 08, 2007


Ladies and Gentlemen, I am no longer a Myspace virgin. At last I created an account, and even though there isn't much to it yet I am willing to explore. You can now become my friend on