Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Belgium - well, back in London

Here I am, back in sunny London. Came back on the Eurostar yesterday morning and went straight to work. Had to get up at 545am (445 GMT) in order to catch the 7am train, little surprise I was pretty zonked. Fortunately I could stay in Brussels with one of Ola's friends, otherwise I would have had to get up even earlier.
--> Un grand merci à Tcheko et Lika pour leur hospitalité!! Faut qu'on se revoie, c'etait un plaisir de faire connaissance. Venez à Londres :)

The weekend was nice though. Saw my family and friends (Paul, Johan, Aimé, Brad) in Antwerp, saw Ola after about two years of living in the same city and never meeting up,... Nice to catch up.

One more month and I am on a proper holiday again... can't wait.

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