Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Cambodia Postal eeeerh... ''Service''

Alex finally received the postcard I sent when i was in Cambodia, almost two months later. Not only were these the most expensive postcards I've ever sent while on holiday ( 1 USD for a stamp, even though the value was only 0.5 USD - bloody ripoff), they're also the slowest ones to arrive.

My guess is that they've sent a postman on a bike from Phnom Penh to Hong Kong to deliver it :)

*** UPDATE 15/12/08: my mum let me know that my card to them has arrived too. It was stamped 27/11/08 - means they kept it lying around in Cambodia for a month and a half :)


Anonymous said...

If you didn't send your item at a post office, then it was your agency's delay, nothing to do with the Cambodian postal service.

If you sent at a post office but not in Phnom Penh, you should have noticed that Cambodia was in rain season, no traffics could be on muddy roads.

Mail from Phnom Penh Central Post Office to Hongkong only takes 4 days to go.

kitan said...

I posted the card at the airport in Pnomh Penh, no muddy roads or agencies involved.

To be honest, I'm not even complaining about it. Cambodia was such a great experience that this really isn't going to make a difference.