Monday, June 23, 2008


Aha - after more than a month I can access Blogger again here at work. So let's see, what happened in the last month?

Well - we had rain. Rain, rain, rain, and more rain. A lot of it came down on June 7th, when thunderstorms and heavy rainfall caused 39 landslides, two casualties, floods everywhere and knee-deep mud in some areas. One of my colleagues told me that the balcony on a building next door to hers was hit by lighting and broke off. Another friend told me how they got stuck on the 33th floor because the elevator got flooded. In the end they walked down, which was bad but not as bad as what the two people experienced they met on the stairs: they were walking up to the 35th floor...
Me? I slept through it all :)

Started playing squash. Three weeks ago for the first time, couldn't walk for a few days afterwards. Was a bit better the next week, and last week i hardly felt anything. Tomorrow is the next session.

More to come tomorrow, I am now off to go to the gym. After months of inactivity on he gym front, i now have a week long free membership which allows me to try out Pure fitness. Let's give it a go!

That's all folks. Until tomorrow, most likely.

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