Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Tropical Storm FENGSHEN

The typhoon that caused mayhem in the Phillipines on the weekend reached Hong Kong last night. By then it had come down to a tropical storm, but it was still strong enough to cause the typhoon signal 8 to be raised - the highest level warning. Offices, schools and other buildings were closed. Public transport came to a halt. Everyone was advised to stay indoors and wait until the storm had passed.
And so we did. Got to the office around 3pm, so having a rather short day. The glorious weather we had on the weekend (spent sunday on the beach with my friend Josh and with Jason who was visiting from the UK) has disappeared again and we are back to very dark skies and LOTS of rain. It is now 530pm and outside is as dark as if it were midnight. Even darker, because the lights are not on yet so it all looks very much like Gotham City. I'm starting to see why they decided to film the latest Batman movie here.

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