Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Another holiday, another beach

The 1st of July is yet another public holiday in Hong Kong. This time it's all about the reattachment to China in 1997. Ever since a demonstration for democracy takes place on that day.

An expat myself, i obviously take democracy for granted and so I headed for the beach. Another public holiday, another beach, that's how it goes. This time I ended up going to South Bay beach with Josh and his friends. It's a nice beach. Fairly quiet, lively but not too busy, and nicely framed by lush greenery, rocks and a nice view towards Deep Water Bay. Every ow and then an announcement is made that the water is polluted and people should not go into the water. Then again, pollution is a given in Hong Kong, so not too many people actually care and neither did we. No visible effects so far, I think we'll survive.

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