Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Sales - part deux

Speaking of Jehova's W's (see previous post), a friend of mine reminded me of them earlier this week. He didn't encounther the Watchtower Crowd though, but the tactics were similar: he got caught by a Mormon. I'm sorry, my friend, the story is too funny to keep it for myself :)

So he sends me this e-mail saying this Mormon guy 'somehow managed to get his number off him and leave him with a pamphlet'. My reply to this was that he obviously had given the guy his phone number. A minute later his answer to this arrived in my inbox:

'Totally not my fault! He had blue eyes and he kept smiling at me!'

Slapper :)


rgucci said...

Lies, lies, lies!

kitan said...

HAH, i thought i'd spare you and leave out your name... but now you've just given yourself away ;)

rgucci said...

I admit to nothing! ;)