Tuesday, July 08, 2008


One phenomenon that still baffles me here in Hong Kong is the door-to-door sales people who call at the office. There I am at my desk, minding my own business, when all of a sudden the doorbell rings and someone pushes a namecard in my face with the name of a hotel and her contact details. If it's not a hotel, it is a stationary company, someone selling magazine subscriptions or little perfumed bags 'to make the office smell nice'. Come to think of it, with the currect smell of pain and thinner we are getting from the renovation works on the floor below, that one could have come in handy.

Maybe i should request a free night in each of the hotels they advertise, so i can check whether it is good enough to house our precious visitors.

Somehow I'm still expecting the Jehova's Witness to show up at some point to sell me a bible and a Watchtower. Ah, memories... ('Quick, switch off the light and pretend no one's home!')

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