Thursday, July 10, 2008

To Croc or not to Croc???

Dilemma, dilemma, dilemma. It is raining a LOT in Hong Kong. It is also warm. You want to wear shorts. What footwear do you choose? Trainers get soaked. Flip flops? Either the sole slides over the slippery pavement, or the soles of your feet slip off the flip flops. Nike sandals would be great, but I haven't found them yet.

So... I must admit, after the so manieth time I almost broke my neck on the slippery pavement, I have been very tempted to get a pair of Crocs. They're lightweight, they're ok to get wet, they're open so the water flows out and your feel stay cool, and... they're BUTT UGLY!!

I can't honestly be seen wearing these monsters. But they're ideal footwear in this climate. Dilemma, dilemma, dilemma. I may buy a pair in a discreet colour (if that is possible) and hide whenever I see someone I know in the street. Or should I try to blag it and walk around with this ''it's so uncool it's cool'' attitude?

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