Sunday, April 27, 2008


Problems with the water supply in my area last night. My landlady called the water company and was told that there wouldn't be any water until at least 10am today. In order to be able to take a shower, I went swimming in my local swimming pool. Great pool - 50m, open air, not very busy at 730am except for a bunch of old men. Old people seem to be incredibly fit here in Hong Kong. When i came out of the building I saw an old geezer put his leg on a wall that came up to his chest, and then he started stretching like we was preparing for the Beijing olympics. Respect!

After feeling pretty awake for the first hour after finishing my laps around this olympic sized monster, I now start aching about everywhere. So true what they say about swimming: it's a workout for your entire body. Or as my colleague put it: swimming in the morning, crippled in the afternoon!

Definitely need to keep this up :)

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