Monday, April 21, 2008


Last friday we had our first typhoon warning for the season. They've got level 1, level 3, level 8, 9, 10 warnings. Level 8 means you go home, companies get closed, public transport comes to a halt. Level 9 and 10 basically mean you hold on to whatever you have and hope for the best.
This time we reached level 3. This means that the typhoon is still far away (about 800km from Hong Kong on thic occasion) but you need to be aware of it in case it changes its direction and comes towards Hong Kong. It also means you get to experience some typhoon-related weather: heavy wind and heavy rain.
Heavy rain! My word, I haven't seen rain like this in a long time, if ever. Hard hard hard rain, without a break or without going softer or into drizzle for a while. Apparently there are levels of rain as well: amber, red - and black. Saturday was black. Had the time of my life! Put on shorts, put on flip flops, grabbed an umbrella and went out to buy stuff. Got absolutely soaked after a couple of minutes but it wasn't cold so I didn't mind. Actually, I loved it, felt like a big kid :)
The next day it was warm, sunny and humid again, as if nothing happened.

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