Sunday, April 27, 2008

Customer Support - HK

A source of great fun - and frustration - are the customer support departments of companies in Hong Kong. They probably are perfect if you're fluent in Cantonese, but when English is your only option it becomes a bit more tricky.

Take PCCW, the phone company, for example. After pressing '1' for English, you are guided through a whole phone menu to make sure you speak to the right person. So after a good couple of monutes of selecting 1 for English, then go for options 5, 4, 3, 7 and 9, you get to talk to an operator... who doesn't speak English :)

Another one: Watson's Water, the supplier fo the water fountains. I tried to order online, but was told I need a PIN number. Tried to call them in order to obtain my PIN number. There is no option on their menu to do this, but for about everything you want to do - and this includes talking to the customer service department - you need the PIN number.

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