Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Things not to do in the morning in Hong Kong

A couple of things you should not do in Hong Kong in the morning on the way to work:
  • Don't rush: makes you sweat and you arrive at work with your shirt soake
  • Don't take a hot shower: makes you sweat
  • Don't take the tram: it is slower than you think, so you have to get off and take the MTR. The running makes you sweat.
  • Don't take the bus: the nice, orderly queue is endless so you're at risk of running late. You choose to go to the MTR instead. You sweat.
As a matter of fact, whatever you do in the morning, you sweat. Best thing to do, I guess, is to take five shirts to the office on monday, go to work in shorts and a T, and change upon arrival.

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